The HC5500 is an earlier model, so that its electronics comprise a slightly slower microprocessor, and less memory. It’s printing performance is outstanding, but it is somewhat larger than the ComColor. The HC5500 boasts:
- High Resolution: 600 dpi, 900 dpi with line smoothing;
- Fast: A4 Simplex:120ppm, A4 Duplex:96ppm;
- Paper: A4, A3. Paper tray -52g/m2 to 104g/m2, Standard Paper Feed- 46g/m2 to 210g/m2;
- Lowish Power Consumption: Maximum:800W, Ready: 300W, Stand-by:150W, Sleep:20W;
- Footprint: 270 cms;
- Options: Copy/Scan, Stapling, Punching, Booklet Binding.
One of Our Customers
The HC5500 has delighted a nearby community school. We identified that colour prints made on their printers were costing up to £5,000 per annum, or up to 25 pence per print. Mock exams comprising 5 pages created a tremendous workload for the print-room staff. The staff printed, then folded and stapled the booklets by hand, and were suffering from RSI. These tasks, together with the usual day to day printing and copying volumes resulted in delays, and frustration in keeping up with demand.
With the introduction of a networked HC5500 all staff can work remotely and send their print jobs to the operators for completion. Actually we trained all 60 staff to use the printer. So printed booklets are usually ready in a couple of hours, as the print-room keeps up with demand, since the HC prints at 120 pages per minute.
What’s even better is the HC rental and copy costs are a fraction of the amount the school spent on ink cartridges. The school pays just 1.5 pence per colour print.
Even mock-exam papers are a doddle for the print-room staff – although not for the pupils, as the HC automatically prints, folds, and staples.
We would be delighted to take you to visit this customer.